The finished products ... turkey, stuffing and sweet potato praline casserole.
There was cranberry sauce, too, but I forgot about it until we took this picture and we had to quick make it. Luckily it only takes 10 minutes!
The baby Thanksgiving spread - plain sweet potato.
3 boys in their "handsome" shirts
The wishbone winner!
I wonder what his wish was?
And here is the pumpkin pie!
There is still one "girl" piece left and LT says it is for me. He only eats boy pieces.
For the cooking enthusiasts, the chefs chose the high heat method for the turkey and used covection. You roast it on it's side and then flip to the other side after about an hour. If you want more details, you'll have to ask TT! I was in charge of sides and pie.
roasted on the sides? interesting. i'm betting you guys have turkey flipping forks and were not using wads of paper towels to turn the bird over. it does look tasty, although i don't know about the sweet potatoes. handsome chefs, indeed. and the table decor was great too, with that giganto leaf...speaking of decor- were the boys & girls rolled from the crust?
The meal looked so tasty and the fellows so handsome! Glad you had a good turkey day.
love, gma/momsie
The color on the turkey looks great. And I would have loved a girl slice of pie, since we didn't have any this year.
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