Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Boys

Aren't they cute? Daddy laid on the floor, so BLT did, too! Tough days at the office?

BLT helped me bring in the mail and then the trash cans today. I tried to get a picture of him helping with the trash can, but it wasn't easy! He can't hold it up by himself, so I have to hold on at the same time.

Now that the weather is getting better and it's light out later, BLT doesn't want to go to bed! He didn't go to sleep until 8:15 tonight. We've been spoiled with an early 7:30 bedtime for so long.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Tough days at the office AND at daycare! How did BLT do at his Easter Egg hunt? JT's friend's mom tried to encourage them to find more eggs, so she put the ones they found in a basket and they didn't discover their "treats" until later. Hey, the weather is great here, too. Wish the boys could go swimming together... (and one of us could take a nap?)