It was my first time making something with yeast and kneading and all that, so it was very exciting. We're baking them for Christmas Day breakfast, so I'll have to report back on the final result!
Naked cookies
Dough post kneading, pre rising
Dough post rising
All rolled up!
Now they look like cinnamon rolls
My helper kept playing with the extra cinammon sugar for quite a while... he would have been happy doing that for hours!
But he had other work to do. He was a very serious cookie decorator. He had to add the m&m's multiple times to his cookies because after he put them on, he would take them off and eat them!
The finished cookies! Yummy!
And, of course, some pictures of the boys.
Jamming in jammies last night
This morning, DT added in the kazoo
Remind anyone of this boy?
Those cookies look really good... wish I could be there to have some! And homemade rolls - I thought those always came in a blue can that popped open! Merry Christmas from Aunt M!
yes, we'll definitely need the report on how the cinnamon rolls turned out - they looked very promising.
you may need one more brother for the guitar, ukulele and kazoo band. after all, there are three hanson brothers and maybe (not sure) three jonas brothers ...
pls overnight any remaining cookies. iv meds makes me hungry. your picks make tummy growl.
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