The favors - towels with initial appliques and goggles (the goggles were LT's request!):
Water squirter targets on the left and the water balloon toss on the right - LT drew the whale shark on the right. I was pretty impressed! I did the painting, though. ;)
The water slide!
Action shots - the kids really enjoyed squirting the targets and especially liked tossing the water balloons into the mouths. I should have done even more balloons! I think we had about 75-80. The kids were good about not doing them all at once and letting others get a chance.
Cupcake time! I ordered these from a woman who bakes out of her home and I think they came out awesome. I love how the letters stand up on the cupcakes! They were delicious.
Enjoying the cupcakes at the coloring table!
It was a lot of fun. Thanks to Gma and Great Auntie J for helping out - watching DT and actings as "lifeguards" by the climbing wall to the slide. It was getting a bit crazy at times.
It was a big hit. On Sunday LT asked when his next birthday was. I told him it was in 364 days and he said, well, this is the 1st day. Yeah!