Sunday, June 18, 2006

Weekend in Pictures

Library Visit

Swims like a fish! At a Pre-Dad's Day BBQ

Daddy's famous corn-on-the-cob

We had a really nice weekend. The only downside was that we saw An Inconvenient Truth on our date night Friday and I was so upset by it that I was physically sick until late Saturday. I recommend watching it. I hope it is not to late to reverse the damage we have done. We are inspired to make more changes in our lifestyle from the film.

So Friday was babysitting night and BLT did not shed one tear when we dropped him off. I told him it was a slumber party and he seemed pretty happy about it.

Saturday we met up with Miss M & family at the library. There were having a summer reading kick-off which included a person dressed like a lion. BLT was absolutely terrified of the lion, so we headed over to the safety of the playground. We couldn't stay that long because I was feeling really bad.

That afternoon we went to a Dad's Day BBQ at our friends. We told BLT we were going to a party and he didn't want to go after the "party" the night before, so we assured him that we were going too. BLT LOVED the swimming pool. He is a fish. He kicked, he tried to blow bubbles ... he had a blast! In the second picture in the pool, he is attempting to put his face in and blow bubbles. He usually kept his mouth open, though! Oh, he had a blast - see that big smile on his face!!

For Dad's Day today, BLT and I let BLT Sr. sleep in while we wrapped up his presents and made breakfast. When Daddy came down, BLT took him right to the presents. BLT Sr. thought I might have taught him to do that, but I didn't - he just wanted those presents open! We then went to the Farmer's Market and to Trader Joes before nap and got lots of goodies. We tried to go swimming this afternoon, but the city pool summer hours don't start until tomorrow (!?), so we were out of luck and just hung out in the park instead. We finished out the weekend with a nice BBQ of leg of lamb, corn on the cob, and sweet potato.


just jenn said...

now that was a set of photos worth 4 million dollars, if i ever saw one. happy almost b-day, blt's mom. we really enjoy the blt updates.

Chris said...

i read the blog last night, and then this morning i couldn't get back to sleep thinking about the movie and what made you physically ill. and then i wondered what you were going to be doing differently...
i will keep reading to find out! happy b-day from us, too!

Steph said...

The movie was really upsetting because it made me feel hopeless about the future. We want to be more proactive about reducing our energy usage, our consumption, etc. and also become more politically active. One thing I did this week was sign us up for to offset our car's CO2 emmissions.

Steph said...

Oh, and thanks Jenn! :D